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What is astro-psychology?

Astrology or, in other words, the observation of the sky and discovering the planetary  influence on human life and destiny, is one of the oldest human sciences. Astrology studies correlations between cosmic and earthly events. Scientific researches done by numerous philosophers and mythologists demonstrate that apparently almost all myths have their astral origin. On the other hand, psychology is a young science whose very name suggests that it is the science of the soul (psyche – soul, logos – knowledge, reason).
When speaking about the spiritual life of humans today, we often use the word energy, which does not mean that the notions spirit, Logos and the intelligence of the universe do not exist anymore. The point is that our attention is focused more on the notion energy. In this context one can conclude that astro-psychology deals with human psyche and human life as a whole in such a way that it discovers the structure of life energy and defines the ruling patterns of that energy.