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In my work with people I use different methods and various types of knowledge that I have amassed throughout my life. I appreciate astrological psychology very much as it works with the power of consciousness, which is perhaps the best healer. I also have excellent experience with Feng shui, techniques of conscious breathing and exercises that have proven themselves in their excellence.

Astro-psychology helps people become aware of their inner emotional and psychological models. It is able to analyze them, make them accessible to the conscious mind and even indicate the direction of further development, but astro-psychology does not offer quick and effective remedies. It is also inefficient and slow, especially if people need to let go of their subconscious models on all levels of being (basic, genetic, karmic and spiritual). That is why I have had a great need to supplement my work with a new method that would enable me to help people completely, or to say, to find remedies. That is why and how I started using Thetahealing.

What is Thetahealing?

Thetahealing is a meditative technique that is used to change inner convictions that are not of service anymore and inner models that prevent people from living a healthy and satisfying life. Thetahealing uses the seventh level of being, the level of the Creator, to help people achieve better physical, mental and emotional well-being. Mission Statement of the founder of Thetahealing technique is: "To change the world one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to The Creator of All That Is. We aim to bring forward the best in all people."

The founder of this method is Vianna Stibal, intuitive healer who was able to heal herself with this miraculous method. There are many people using this method at the moment because of different reasons. One important reason is that the Thetahealing technique is in accord with the contemporary spiritual and scientific human development.

Thetahealing contains a certain spiritual philosophy that teaches people to create a positive lifestyle through meditation and prayer.

I will gladly share my knowledge of Thetahealing with you but I have to say in advance that I am not responsible for your physical, emotional or psychological condition. As usually, we are all responsible for ourselves.

Learn more about Thetahealing: http://www.thetahealing.com/

This is a video where Vianna Stibal, the founder, explains what Thetahealing is:

CONSULTANCY PRICE: 1500 CZK or 55 EUR, 90min