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A+ R A-

Apollo, god of light and the sun; truth and prophecy; healing, music, the arts; and god of reason.

Motto: “…Oh man, know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”
Greek proverb

Our experience with the consultancy based on astro-psychology is excellent. We managed to help many people to understand themselves and their needs, to set clear goals and to accomplish them. Many of our clients successfully transformed themselves and launched their lives into the needed direction.

There are three main reasons why people usually contact astro-psychologists, therapists or astrologers and they are:

- Crises, as we say in the West or the period of life´s big transformation, the arrival of a period meant for changes, as they say in the East. It is at times like these when people need to understand what is happening and which road to take for the future. Energy is moving all the time and we have to adapt to these movements.  Nevertheless, that is not an easy task and we often search for the necessary advice.

- The second reason, more frequent today than it was in the time of our parents, is that people are keen in learning about themselves. Many of us work on our personal and spiritual development and at the same time we are trying to be more conscious. This has through different methods and techniques almost become the ultimatum of our time.

- The third  reason is some sort of a human curiosity that can be intellectual, philosophical or any other. It often happens that people who are astrologers, psychologists,  therapists and consultants themselves need to compare knowledge or experience of their own with somebody else’s.

Types of consultations we offer:

- CODE A1 – Astro-psychological consultancy for individuals - astro-psychological analysis on the basis of Jungian archetypes, inherent dispositions, contemporary astrological transits, solar and progressive horoscopes etc. 
- CODE A2 – Consultancy for couples – comparative horoscopes, synastry ; analysis of energetic patterns that show how the couple functions or can function together; possibilities for growth, overcoming the crises and so on.
- CODE A4 – Discovery of the purpose and the meaning of one’s existence - reading based on ancient Indian techniques.
- CODE A5 – Well-balanced couching – we use various techniques of leading and motivating. These techniques mainly rely on astrology, Jungian psychology, qi gong and Taoist exercises. We attempt to help our clients in developing their personalities, achieving success and their goals.

Consultations on special topics:

- CODE A6 Inner potential for partnership and love

- CODE A7 Inner potential for a successful carrier

- CODE A8 Inner potential for finances and material wealth

Consultancy prices

What subjects do we discuses with clients?

Subjects that are listed here are not only topics of personal consultations, they are also subjects of seminars of personal development and growth:

- Innate potential, inner Solar and Lunar principles (father and mother principles within us), family and karmic heritage; self-confidence, personal abilities and creativity; fears and complexes; relationships, love and mates; jobs and professional potential, career, financial matters, communicational capacities; phenomena described with Jungian psychology: Anima and Animus, Shadow, Persona etc; spiritual growth; crises of the thirties and the forties; health and cultivation of health; energetic potentials  and the ability to create visions, aims and plans; questions on the meaning and purpose of one’s life; possibilities for big transformation and conscious awareness of oneself and one’s life etc.

How many sessions should you have for achieving optimal results?

- It’s up to you. Some people only have one session, some have them at regular intervals (every two weeks)  until they realize that they have moved on with their lives or that they have become aware of the problems they had, achieved their goals and so on. Others arrange their consultations irregularly – we meet to talk when they need to solve specific situations and questions. Many people wish to have an analysis of the upcoming year (solar horoscope), so we meet once a year. Astrological reading marked as CODE A4 is a very unique – it is enough to participate only once.

There is no any other method, technique or art that can offer a better way of understanding a modern man than astro-psychology can offer. Astro-psychology can explain in which way one should develop his /her personality and give meaningful advices about the course of one’s life. Couching together with astro-psychology brings the feeling of inner satisfaction and wholeness.

If you are longing for change or you are already going through certain transformations and changes in your life, we recommend combining astro-psychological consultancy with Feng shui, meditation, exercises and affirmation. Please contact us for more details.

Articles in Czech on the subject of astro-psychology with Tatjana Micić:
Co je to astro-psychologie a kdy může být užitečná?
Saturn ve Střelci a co to pro nás znamená
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