Personal development courses - on the basis of astro-psychology
- Courses are given in weekdays and on weekends. Duration of each course is 90 min.
- All courses are interactive with the video presentation.
- First part of the course is theoretical, while in the second part you will have the opportunity to discover your personal story – that means that we answer and discuses concrete questions of the participants.
- Prices depend on the duration and type of the seminars and on the number of the participants.
CODE AP1 - Discover your own potentials
What is your life story? What is your purpose in life? Are you asking yourself: what am I good at? Do you feel that you need to awake and perhaps cure yourself? That is a job for Apollo, the god of Sun in the Greek mythology.
In the time when everybody speaks about collective needs and in the time that is signified as global, human individuality is not very popular. In contemporary time, there are certain tendencies to suppress the importance of the solar factors, although, the Sun inside us continually strives for its light. Of course, sometimes, individual factors can be the reason for the suppression of the natural potentials symbolized by the Sun. In this course we are going to explain why it is of a great importance to reach the light; also we will explain what inner harmony is.
CODE AP2 – What your inner woman tells you?
The continuation of the course Discover your own potentials - where Solar, yang principle is discussed.
Do you wish to know more about your instincts and emotional needs?
One can learn a great knowledge about that from the position of Moon in the natal chart. Nevertheless, the characteristics of Moon can be revealed only intuitively, not rationally. Also, the needs of the inner Sun, symbol of the consciousness, can only be accomplished through Moon, the symbol of unconsciousness. Unification of those two principles, known as coincidentia oppositorum, firstly should be completed inside us and than in the outer world – and that is the happy ending of fairy tales.
CODE AP3 – Partnership
Short course for those who wish to learn more about their own potentials to love and about the type of the partner they need.
Four functions of the consciousness that Jung has divided as: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition are symbolically marked in the astrology as: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The two with the two makes direct opposites and attracts each other. So, imagine what happen when they meet! (Drama? You bet!)
The central theme, partnership, will be discussed on the base of the dominant elements of the ascendant and descendent.
CODE AP4 – The Beauty and the Beast or how to become more familiar with one owns Shadow and even start likening it (?)
Only for those who are brave! And for those who have chosen to be sincere with themselves.
The Shadow, the term from Jung’s psychology, symbolized with the Saturn in astro-psychology, is an inevitable presumtion for the self-knowing, also for the knowing and the acceptance of the others. The aspiration of this course is to explain the necessity of the integration of the repressed parts of the human personality and to present the way how this integration can be completed. As the wised fairy tales say – somehow always that evil helps the hero to reach the aim.
CODE AP5 – How do we relate?
The course about the female and mail principles in the era of Aquarius.
Recommended to those who need to understand the deeper roots of the today’s people behaving, thinking, needs and all those matters that make us confused.
It is obvious that the contemporary man is going through the so-called change of consciousness which is connected with the change of yin and yang principles on the macro plan. It seems, for example, that people are developing an odd attitude towards sexuality and that they strongly need to established contact with the eastern and “primitive” cultures (who live with respect for the nature).
The era of Aquarius means that the new time begins – what are the characteristics of it?
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
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